AED Compliance Self Service
More than 250,000 people in the United States die from cardiac arrest each year. With the broad deployment of AEDs among trained responders, up to 50,000 deaths due to a sudden cardiac arrest could be prevented annually. However, there have been 45,000 reports of AEDs failing or malfunctioning since 2005, according to the FDA. The vast majority of failures are the result of manufacturing problems, but some of them are also due to issues stemming from improper maintenance, such as battery failure.
In addition to encouraging the broader availability of AEDs in recent years, state legislators have been actively involved in establishing regulations for AEDs. While states provide legislation and guidance with regard to defibrillator management, organizations that deploy AEDs may struggle to obtain consistent guidance and direction.
EMC understands the burden of compliance, which is why we offer AED program management services. Our AED Program Management option is our simplest solution, in which our clients take on the responsibility for maintaining full legal compliance of their AED program.